? Click here for descriptions of each category.
Design Map Categories
Map Quality
S-Rank (66 maps)
A-Rank (774 maps)
B-Rank (6234 maps)
C-Rank (3441 maps)
New (78 maps)
Map Function
Global League (42 maps)
Hall of Fame (85 maps)
Historical/Geographical (166 maps)
Joke (356 maps)
Sprite (503 maps)
Toy-Box (106 maps)
Under Review (99 maps)
Map Features
Base Light (1718 maps)
FFA Multiplay (543 maps)
Fog of War (1732 maps)
Gimmick (355 maps)
Heavy Naval (269 maps)
HFOG (109 maps)
High Funds (855 maps)
Live Play (1022 maps)
Mixed Base (1229 maps)
RBC Playable (251 maps)
Standard (7888 maps)
Team Play (547 maps)
Teleport Tile (222 maps)

Advance Wars is (c) 1990-2001 Nintendo and (c) 2001 Intelligent Systems. All images are copyright their respective owners.