591 |
Damage Calculator will now default non-numeric inputs to 0 for towers and cities. |
2024-09-16 |
590 |
A new map category has been added for HFOG (high funds + fog of war). This is intended to help differentiate Fog and HFOG maps when searching. |
2024-09-14 |
589 |
The base damage for several units has been updated to match the cartridge games. Thanks to BillyBones and sarastro for verifying the correct values. - Recon vs. copter: 12 --> 10 - Infantry vs. missile: 26 --> 25 - Neotank vs. lander: 50 --> 40 - Piperunner vs. cruiser: 85 --> 60 - Tank secondary weapon vs. anti-air: 6 --> 5 |
2024-09-07 |
588 |
The sprites for Azure Asteroid have been updated slightly to make them brighter and less similar to Blue Moon. Thanks to bukie for providing the updated sprites! |
2024-09-06 |
587 |
Noir Eclipse has been officially added to the site as the 18th nation on AWBW! Congratulations to senorbulldoza on winning the second custom army contest, and thanks to him and Red-Halo for designing and creating all of the artwork! |
2024-09-06 |
586 |
AWBW now has a Patreon. AWBW will always be free to use, but donations are highly appreciated to help with server costs. The Donate page has been updated accordingly. |
2024-09-03 |
585 |
Fixed a bug from changelog entry 572 where 1HP units were ignored by SCOP missiles. Thanks to shoeLv3 for the testing to help confirm the bug. |
2024-08-30 |
584 |
Only games completed in the last 7 days are shown now when viewing all completed Global League, Live League, or Live Queue games. Games finished previous to that are still viewable for individual users and maps. Thanks to Herbivorious for reporting the crashed pages. |
2024-08-24 |
583 |
Minor backend updates were made to several pages showing lists of games to help improve page loading times. |
2024-08-24 |
582 |
Added improved validation for game IDs on uploaded replay files. |
2024-08-23 |
581 |
Improved the back-end user input validation on search boxes on a couple of pages. |
2024-08-20 |
580 |
Added sequencing to the server for in-game actions, to help prevent rare cases where actions are not executed in the order they were inputted. Thanks to fluhfie for the report and Truniht for the suggestion. |
2024-08-20 |
579 |
Improved the default path chosen for a unit in a fog game. If there are more than 2 possible paths that take the same movement points then the path that goes through the fewest hidden tiles will be chosen. |
2024-08-18 |
578 |
Fixed a bug where Kindle's SCOP wasn't displaying the correct number of properties in the damage calculator. Thanks to KingRex for the report |
2024-08-18 |
577 |
Minor back-end updates were made to the Your Turn page to help improve loading times. |
2024-08-18 |
576 |
Site maintenance was performed to attempt to decrease lag and improve performance, especially on the game page. |
2024-08-17 |
575 |
Updated the damage calculator in the Tools menu for the below-mentioned CO updates. |
2024-08-14 |
574 |
Fixed a bug where sometimes additional time was given to the wrong player during site maintenance. Thanks to BigJoe for the report. |
2024-08-13 |
573 |
Fixed a bug where granting vision in team games could sometimes result in the replay not loading properly. Thanks to RetroZID for the report. |
2024-08-13 |
572 |
Several COs have been updated to be accurate to the cartridge games: - Kindle's SCOP has been updated to boost firepower based on all urban properties owned, instead of just cities. - Drake's air units' attack has been lowered to 70% and his naval units' defense has been lowered to 110%. - Von Bolt's SCOP can now hit (and stun) his own units. Targeting has been updated accordingly. - Rachel's SCOP infantry missile has been modified to take into account the HP of all units with a modifier for footsoldiers, instead of only counting footsoldiers.
NOTE: These changes go into effect for any game STARTING after 12AM EST on August 13th. Already in-process games are unaffected. |
2024-08-12 |
571 |
Players will now receive time increment if a turn ends while the game is paused (previously no time was added). |
2024-08-04 |
570 |
Improved spectating of fog matches (see change log #566) is now available for League and Tournament games, as well. |
2024-08-04 |
569 |
Increased the character limit for the game ID and map ID inputs on the move planner from 6 to 10. Thanks to rip for the report. |
2024-08-02 |
568 |
The descriptions on the CO chart have been updated for consistency and clarity. Thanks to Tmi489 for the updates. |
2024-07-18 |
567 |
Fixed a bug where win by capture limit could be unintentionally triggered when capturing 1000 properties on a game with no capture limit. |
2024-07-18 |
566 |
Improved spectating of fog games when granted vision for Custom (Not League or Tournament) Games - Able to view turn-by-turn replay of in progress games. - Able to view player's kills/deaths. - Able to view player's income/unit value. - Able to select 'Current Player' so that fog of war auto-adjusts on a turn's end. |
2024-06-30 |
565 |
The interface on the register page has been slightly updated. |
2024-06-22 |
564 |
A new video on 'How to Join A Match' by Humita has been added to the Tutorials page. Thanks to Humita for the helpful video! |
2024-06-13 |
563 |
Fixed a bug where information about buildings could be unintentionally leaked in fog of war games. Thanks to VIH for the report. |
2024-05-22 |
562 |
Implemented a preliminary fix for a bug where predeployed units could be added twice at the start of the game. |
2024-05-16 |
561 |
Fixed a visual bug where Jake and Jess piperunners appeared unaffected by S/COP movement and range boosts. |
2024-05-16 |
560 |
Fixed a bug where the map image overflowed its container for large maps or high zoom levels. |
2024-05-15 |
559 |
Azure Asteroid has been officially added to the site as the 17th nation on AWBW! Congratulations to bukie on winning the first custom army contest, and thanks to him and Red-Halo for designing and creating all of the artwork! |
2024-04-28 |
558 |
Fixed a bug where a Live League game ended via administrative draw could appear as a loss for the player who resigned. Thanks to Truniht for the report. |
2024-04-16 |
557 |
Fixed a bug where the 'Capture' option didn't appear properly when moving onto an eliminated teammate's properties. Thanks to Deejus for the report. |
2024-04-16 |
556 |
When editing a design map, users can select a default theme for the map. When players have their view setting set to 'Default', it will automatically display the map using the map creator's selected theme. The map editor has also had improvements made for mobile devices, and several minor bug fixes applied. |
2024-04-15 |
555 |
Map images are now rendered entirely on the client instead of using a cached image from the server. Mini mountains have been added (aesthetic only), and several countries have had their building colors slightly modified. |
2024-04-15 |
554 |
Two new terrain themes have been added: Desert and Days of Ruin! Note that buildings will still use the selected 'AWBW Theme' (AW1 / AW2 / Animated). You can change the theme on your Settings page, on the map preview page, or from the View menu on the game page. You may need to hard-refresh (ctrl-F5) to see all images correctly.
Huge thanks to bukie for providing all of the sprite work for both terrain themes! |
2024-04-15 |
553 |
Fixed a bug where joined infantry were mistakenly flagged as capturing for Rachel's SCOP missile calculation, and another where carried units weren't excluded properly in the move planner for Rachel SCOP missile calculation. Thanks to Po1and for the report. |
2024-04-07 |
552 |
The second AWBW Custom Army Contest is open for submissions! For more information, please click here or visit the #custom-army-contest channel in the AWBW Discord server. |
2024-04-02 |
551 |
Updated the Z-Games algorithm to generate more High Funds + Fog games. |
2024-03-28 |
550 |
Updated the order of units in the damage calculator to be more logical, and fixed a bug where the damage calculator funds box could be sized incorrectly. Thanks to Talose and KingRex for the reports. |
2024-03-28 |
549 |
Fixed a bug in Live League games where a game could be mistakenly ended in a draw due to regular AET. Thanks to DaysOfPlague for the report. |
2024-03-06 |
548 |
Improvements to the in-game timer have been made to better sync players with the server time. This is intended to fix issues with AETs not displaying properly. |
2024-03-05 |
547 |
Updated back-end validation of several in-game actions such as moving and capturing. |
2024-03-01 |
546 |
Fixed a bug where Live League games ending via day limit were mistakenly not updating ratings. Thanks to Rhizomatic for the report. |
2024-03-01 |
545 |
Added a temporary bandaid to Live League games for cases where AET causes the next player's turn to be skipped. Games where this occurs will now be automatically ended in a draw when the game ends. |
2024-02-28 |
544 |
Fixed a bug in Live League matchmaking where players could get paired in a mode where their ratings were not in range of each other. Thanks to DaysOfPlague for the report. |
2024-02-28 |
543 |
Fixed a bug where an in-progress map could not be recovered if the 'Save' function errored on the design map editor. Thanks to Rize for the report. |
2024-02-21 |
542 |
The Join Game page will now properly show CO tiers for tag and High Funds + Fog games. |
2024-02-17 |