Need help? Forgot your password? Click the "Forgot Password" link near the password field when logging in to reset your password. For other issues with your account: Please contact an admin on the Discord server for help resolving your issue. You can also send an email to For general questions about AWBW: Search the AWBW Guide for help on your topic. Get help from other users on the Discord server. Make a post on the AWBW subreddit (r/AWBW). Read site documentation on the AWBW Wiki. View reference information on the Chart page. For questions about map design or categorization: Please contact any active member of the Map Committee with questions. Or chat with other users on the Discord server. Report a bug Please check to see if your bug has already been reported on the Discord server. If not, please leave a message there. Or you can contact a moderator or admin (see below list) to report your issue. When reporting a bug, please try to provide as much related information as possible. Game links and descriptions of what happened before the bug are helpful!

Our Team
Site Admins: Last Seen:
amarriner 03/24/2025
Stealer 03/23/2025
Konton725 02/14/2025
Stelleria 08/20/2024
Glenstorm 09/27/2023
Moderators: Last Seen:
Spidy400 03/24/2025
JJEmpire64 03/24/2025
Talose 03/24/2025
clord666 03/24/2025
Luna Leka 03/24/2025
bukie 03/23/2025
Rishi is Here 03/23/2025
InfernusMachine 03/20/2025
dpsi 03/20/2025
Xmo5 03/19/2025
Operation Mechstorm 03/18/2025
Red-Halo 02/02/2025
Ratatoskr 12/16/2024
MorganLeah 11/19/2024
Map Committee Members:
soul4rent 03/24/2025
Havetts93 03/24/2025
AA01blue 03/24/2025
MontySigurdson 03/24/2025
JJEmpire64 03/24/2025
GorillaH 03/24/2025
Nightmare of Heiankyou 03/24/2025
Daddymacsac 03/24/2025
DaysOfPlague 03/24/2025
Humita 03/24/2025
Pinwheel 03/23/2025
Bum 03/22/2025
OutlineY 03/22/2025
rip_ 03/15/2025
StarFlash250 03/15/2025
Voice of Akasha 02/27/2025
Kantbei 02/20/2025
MC Hammer 11/07/2024

Advance Wars is (c) 1990-2001 Nintendo and (c) 2001 Intelligent Systems. All images are copyright their respective owners.