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AWBW Changelog
Revision Description Date
518 The timer for live games has been updated to better sync between players after AETs. This should fix a bug where multiple end turn events were repeatedly displayed, eventually leading to 503 errors. 2023-11-26
517 New options have been added to Live Queue for matchmaking. An information page has also been added to provide more details on the new options. 2023-11-19
516 Profile medals have been added for the winners of tournament divisions 2+. Thanks to Jay Embee for the medal designs! 2023-11-14
515 Map Committee members now have the ability to adjust Live Queue CO tiers and unit bans on a per map basis. 2023-11-14
514 The old game interface has been disabled. The new 'refreshless' interface can now be found on game.php instead of 2030.php. NOTE: User-made extensions may break as a result of this update! 2023-11-02
513 The FAQ has been updated with information on live queue, color-blind mode, teleport tiles, and the design map editor updates. Thanks to Aryafireheart for the reminder. 2023-11-02
512 Fixed a bug where tower counts were not properly displayed when loading a design map in the editor, and another bug where the asymmetry checker did not work properly when resizing a map with diagonal symmetry selected. Thanks to TheGamerASD for the reports. 2023-11-02
511 The interface for exploding black bombs and firing missiles has been improved for mobile users. 2023-11-02
510 Several new features have been added to the design map editor. Thanks to GamerASD, as many of these features were inspired by his extension.
- Maps up to 50x50 are now supported in the on-site editor. This also fixes the bug where edits could not be made after the 1333rd tile on a map.
- A resize feature has been added, allowing a column or row to be added or removed in any direction.
- The map can now be saved without refreshing the page.
- An auto-save feature has been added (1-5 minute intervals, or OFF).
- Auto-symmetry checking has been added.
- A breakdown of building counts by type, plus total income per player and per base has been added.
- Keyboard shortcuts for most menu options have been added.
- Improved help documentation is now available on the design editor page.
509 The design map editor has been updated to allow teleport tiles to be placed. Note that predeployed units can not be placed on teleport tiles! 2023-10-30
508 Teleport tiles have been added as an official supported feature, replacing the previous 'black tiles'. Teleport tiles function as a 0-cost tile that units cannot land on or have vision on, and units traveling over them will appear to teleport from the first to last tile in the chain.

NOTE: All maps containing the old black tiles will be converted to use teleport tiles -- this may take a few hours! Contact walkerboh01 after that if you have an unconverted map.
507 Fixed a bug where using the damage calculator on the move planner would use values for units as if they were out of ammo. 2023-10-23
506 Fixed a bug where the movement/attack/vision range tiles when clicking a unit did not always cycle or clear correctly. 2023-10-23
505 Fixed a bug where the [Select] function on the damage calculator did not work properly on mobile. 2023-10-23
504 Fixed a bug that caused the CO power meter from an attack to not accurately reflect the damage dealt, due to a floating point error. Thanks to kilmefirst, Plague, and shoe for help with identifying and correcting the issue! 2023-10-17
503 In-game movement arrow graphics have been updated to a version with better outlines. Thanks to KingRex for the sprites! 2023-10-12
502 Added a volume control to the alert for a live queue match being found. Additional sound effect options can also be selected now. 2023-10-12
501 A new video on map design has been added to the Tutorials page. Thanks to Humita for the video! 2023-10-10
500 Fixed a bug where the [Select] option on the damage calculator did not work properly for units with displayed movement tiles. Movement tiles are now cleared when selecting a unit. Thanks to schil227 for the report and suggestion. 2023-10-09
499 The move planner has been updated to be compatible with players' in-game country color selections. In addition, several small move planner bugs have been fixed (CO powers now all work, damage calculator functionality has been improved, etc.). 2023-10-04
498 The in-game display for player armies can now be changed by clicking the country logo next to each player's name. Default settings can be enabled on the user Settings page, as well. Note that this works for games and replays, but not currently for move planner. Thanks to Truniht for a lot of help with the implementation! 2023-10-01
497 Updates made to Live Queue:
- Paused games will not be shown on the Active Games list.
- It is now possible to queue for a game while still playing another.
- When selecting a country, unavailable options will be grayed out instead of hidden.
496 The old game interface will be disabled starting on October 21st. If you are still using the old interface, please try the main one at /2030.php instead. If you have any concerns, please message walkerboh01. 2023-09-23
495 Fixed a bug where some COs did not visually have CO power updates made on hidden units (for example, Eagle stealths did not unwait on SCOP, Max stealths did not receive movement boosts, Jess stealths did not refuel, etc.). 2023-09-11
494 Long usernames are now truncated in the player info box on the game page. Thanks to KingRex for the suggestion. 2023-09-10
493 Added options for 1.5 day and 2.5 day increments when creating a game. 2023-09-10
492 Fixed a bug where pressing 'Start Game' would always start the last game on the Waiting Games list. 2023-09-10
491 Long usernames and map names are now truncated on the live queue 'Match Found' and 'Featured Game' displays. 2023-09-10
490 Fixed a bug where information about unseen captures could be leaked in certain situations in fog games. Thanks to steve for the report. 2023-09-10
489 An audio notification has been added to Live Queue. If the option is enabled while in queue, a sound will play when a match is found. 2023-09-09
488 The minimum increment has been changed to 1 minute. Games with an increment of 0 are no longer possible. 2023-09-09
487 Boots and AETs will now take place instantly upon the clock running out, instead of waiting for the next minute. Thanks to Truniht for providing initial code for the update. 2023-09-09
486 Bonus time will now be added to prevent losing time on game clocks during daily server maintenance. Note that this only affects live games that are active during maintenance, or any game that would have a boot or AET processed during the downtime. 2023-09-03
485 Fixed an 'Out of memory' error on certain actions when viewing replays. Thanks to Warplayer for the report. 2023-09-03
484 Blocking a user now prevents games created by that user from appearing on game lists. 2023-08-31
483 Fixed a bug with live queue where alerts would not appear on other pages on-site while queueing. Now when a match is found, the popup will correctly appear regardless of which on-site page you are on. 2023-08-30
482 Implemented a formal site shutdown effective every day from 3:04AM EST until 3:10AM EST, when server maintenance occurs. Thanks to Red Halo and KingRex for providing the server maintenance image. 2023-08-21
481 Several updates have been made to the Live Queue. Most notably, pairing has been updated to include a check for a player's overall rating; the allowed range increases the longer you are in queue, to a max of ~5 minutes. Several other minor UI changes and bug fixes have also been made. 2023-08-18
480 The waiting game page will now redirect to the game page if the game has already started. 2023-08-15
479 A Live Queue has been added to AWBW! Features include automated matchmaking for live games with a 5 min + 2 min timer, with standard, fog, and high funds modes all available. 2023-08-13
478 Fixed a bug where captured HQs would still give 4* defense even after turning into a city. 2023-07-13
477 Fixed several bugs with inconsistent colors being displayed for Follow Game buttons, both on the game page as well as on game lists. 2023-06-30
476 Fixed a bug where neotanks could "crash" after running out of fuel. Neotanks also now correctly use 0 fuel per turn instead of 1. 2023-06-26
475 Fixed a bug where a player could unintentionally be booted or AET'd while ending their turn. 2023-06-16
474 Refactored the Global League matchmaking algorithm to fix a bug that caused matchmaking to crash. Thanks to Rightens for the report. 2023-06-10
473 Fixed a bug where the movement of a unit that was trapped would not show in the replay. 2023-06-04
472 Updated Global League to remove the requirement of exactly three active tiers per map. 2023-05-29
471 Fixed several bugs where the game and player information did not update properly without refreshing after an AET in a live game. 2023-05-29
470 Running out of time on the player clock now results in an AET (end turn) instead of boot for live games (increment < 60 minutes). Note that this only applies if the player has moved at least one unit during their turn. 2023-05-29
469 Prevent the damage preview display from covering units and flickering. 2023-05-19
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Advance Wars is (c) 1990-2001 Nintendo and (c) 2001 Intelligent Systems. All images are copyright their respective owners.