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AWBW Changelog
Revision Description Date
45 Updated "Invite Players" feature. It now sends a PM to the user rather than an email, including a join link. It also displays the join link on the invite page so the creator can share it easily. 2017-11-17
44 Automated map symmetry options have been added to the design map editor. 100% of the credit goes to Headphone for supplying the code. 2017-11-16
43 Updated in-game statistics display to properly hide Sonja's total unit value for games outside of FoW. 2017-11-15
42 Added this changelog. 2017-11-15
41 Targeting for Rachel's SCOP has been improved. Friendly units are taken into account on the cost and HP missiles. Mechs are included in the inf missile, and captures are only assigned extra weight if the capture is not completed. 2017-11-14
40 Unit count and unit value stats have been added to the Players table on the game page, along with a button to toggle them on/off. 2017-11-14
39 Capture limit also now excludes towers and labs from counting towards the limit. 2017-11-13
38 Replay function now properly excludes towers and labs from funds in the Players table. 2017-11-13
37 CO image on the game page now has mouseover text with a short CO description. 2017-11-13
36 Updated damage calculator to include black bombs. 2017-11-11
35 Your Turn page now shows all games waiting to be readied, instead of only unreadied League games. 2017-11-11
34 Tournament back-end infrastructure heavily updated to allow for automatic creation and start of games. 2017-11-01
33 More updates to Tournaments page, including a display for settings for each round. 2017-11-01
32 Country and CO logos are now faded when a player is eliminated from a game. 2017-10-29
31 Updated the interface for on-site tournaments. Includes user registration and notification when a new tourney is available. 2017-10-25
30 Added a [Ready] button for Z-Games. The game will start when both players hit Ready (or after 24 hours). 2017-10-22
29 Add a check for player activity before starting a League game. 2017-10-21
28 The site's front page has been completely redesigned, with several features added. 2017-10-21
27 Your Turn game count is now displayed in the main menu if there are >0 games that are your turn. 2017-10-13
26 An Automated Z-Games function has been added. For details: 2017-10-12
25 Added a warning to the User Info page when the message box is full. 2017-10-08
24 Updated the icon for New Messages and added an icon notifying users when their message box is full. 2017-10-08
23 Menu options have been rearranged and simplified. Added a Contact button and renamed several others. 2017-10-08
22 User Info, Log In, and Register buttons on the menu were moved to the site header. 2017-10-08
21 New users are now restricted to 5 games max in Global League until completing 5 games. Having 5+ boots also results in a game restriction. 2017-10-01
20 Upload and export map functions updated to support black tiles. 2017-10-01
19 Updated Upload Map function to use numbered IDs for terrain rather than individual characters. 2017-10-01
18 Added an option to Export Maps as text arrays. 2017-10-01
17 Fixed an issue with formatting when previewing a map, causing the map image to overlap the links below it. 2017-10-01
16 New profile pages for the Global League have been added. 2017-09-29
15 Added an option for 9+ players to the Search Maps page. 2017-09-25
14 Fixed a bug where CO powers weren't initialized properly on day 1. 2017-09-10
13 Fixed a bug where exploding black bombs as your last unit did not result in defeat. 2017-09-10
12 When viewing a game page, the Damage Calculator link will now load info from the current game. 2017-09-10
11 Updated the Global League page to include links for a League FAQ, current maps, and a list of current games. 2017-09-10
10 New options were added to the Current Games page. Games can now be filtered by map, user, League, and Official. 2017-09-10
9 Added an option to switch the attacker and defender on the damage calculator page. 2017-09-09
8 Updated the Community section of the menu to include the TakeYourTurn forum. 2017-09-04
7 Fixed a bug where the weather gets stuck in snow or rain when playing with random weather. 2017-09-03
6 Fixed AW2 and animated terrain sets to be functional for previewing maps, as well as on the game page. 2017-08-31
5 Updated the "Chat" link on the Menu to direct to the Discord chat, rather than the old efnet room. 2017-08-31
4 Fixed a bug where Purple Lightning's properties were visible in Fog of War while viewing a screenshot. 2017-08-29
3 Cleaned up the Global League games and restarted the game-making script. 2017-08-22
2 Reactivated AET timer. 2017-08-18
1 Reactivated boot timer. 2017-08-16
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Advance Wars is (c) 1990-2001 Nintendo and (c) 2001 Intelligent Systems. All images are copyright their respective owners.