No day-to-day abilities.
Hyper Repair -- All units gain +2 HP.
Hyper Upgrade -- All units gain +5 HP, +10% attack, and +1 movement.
Units cost is reduced to 90% (10% cheaper).
Barter -- Units cost is reduced to 50%.
Merchant Union -- Units cost reduced to 50%, and ground units can deploy from cities.
Units (even air units) gain +10% attack power on plains.
Beat Down -- Land indirects gain +1 range, and plains bonus is increased to +20%.
Block Rock -- Land indirects gain +1 range, plains bonus is increased to +40%, and vehicles gain +2 movement.
Direct units (except footsoldiers) gain +20% attack. Indirect units lose -10% attack and have -1 range.
Max Force -- Direct units (except footsoldiers) gain +1 movement and their attack increases to +30%.
Max Blast -- Direct units (except footsoldiers) gain +2 movement and their attack increases to +50%.
Luck on attacks is +0 to +19%.
Lucky Star -- Luck is improved to +0% to +59%.
Lady Luck -- Luck is improved to +0% to +99%.
Units repair +1 additional HP (note: liable for costs).
Lucky Lass -- Luck is improved to +0% to +39%.
Covering Fire -- Three 2-range missiles deal 3 HP damage each. The missiles target the opponents' greatest accumulation of footsoldier HP, unit value, and unit HP (in that order).
Footsoldiers gain +30% attack and a 50% capture point bonus (rounded down). Other direct units lose -10% attack. Transports gain +1 movement.
Double Time -- Footsoldiers gain +1 movement and their attack is increased to +50%.
Victory March -- Footsoldiers gain +2 movement and their attack is increased to +70%. Footsoldiers capture buildings instantly, regardless of their HP.
Unit cost is reduced to 80% (20% cheaper), but lose -10% attack.
Gold Rush -- Funds are multiplied by 1.5x.
Power of Money -- Unit attack percentage increases by (3 * Funds / 1000)%.
Indirect units have +1 range and gain +20% attack. Direct units (except footsoldiers) lose -20% attack.
Snipe Attack -- Indirect units gain +1 range and their attack is increased to +40%.
Super Snipe -- Indirect units gain +2 range and their attack is increased to +40%.
Unaffected by snow, but rain affects him the same as snow would for others.
Blizzard -- Changes the weather to Snow for 1 day.
Winter Fury -- Enemy units lose 2 HP (to a minimum of 0.1 HP), and the weather changes to snow for 1 day.
Receives +100 funds per property that grants funds and she owns. (Note: labs, comtowers, and 0 Funds games do not get additional income).
Market Crash -- Reduces enemy power bar(s) by (10 * Funds / 5000)% of their maximum power bar.
War Bonds -- Receives funds equal to 50% of the damage dealt when attacking enemy units.
Naval units gain +1 movement and +10 defense. Air units lose -30% attack. Unaffected by rain (except vision), and has a higher chance of Rain in random weather.
Tsunami -- All enemy units lose 1 HP (to a minimum of 0.1 HP) and half their fuel.
Typhoon -- All enemy units lose 2 HP (to a minimum of 0.1 HP) and half their fuel. Weather changes to rain for 1 day.
Air units gain +15% attack and +10% defense, and consume -2 fuel per day. Naval units lose -30% attack.
Lightning Drive -- Air units attack and defense are increased to +20%.
Lightning Strike -- Air units attack and defense are increased to +20%. All non-footsoldier units may move and fire again, even if built this turn (use this power after moving!).
Units gain +20% defense against indirect units. Each comtower grants all units an additional +10% defense.
Tower Shield -- Indirect defense is increased to +40%. Comtower bonuses are doubled.
Tower of Power -- Indirect defense is increased to +80%. Comtower bonuses are tripled.
Vehicles gain +10% attack, but all other units (including footsoldiers) lose -10% attack.
Turbo Charge -- Vehicles gain +1 movement and their attack is increased to +20%. All units resupply fuel and ammo.
Overdrive -- Vehicles gain +2 movement and their attack is increased to +40%. All units resupply fuel and ammo.
Units gain +30% attack, but lose -20% defense.
Knuckleduster -- All units' attack is increased to +50%.
Haymaker -- All units' attack is increased to +80%.
Units cost +20% more to build, but gain +30% attack and defense.
Morale Boost -- All units' attack is increased to +40%.
Samurai Spirit -- All units' attack is increased to +40% and defense to +50%. Counterattacks do 1.5x more damage.
Copters gain +50% attack, footsoldiers gain +40% attack, but all other non-air units lose -10% attack. Transports gain +1 movement.
Copter Command -- Copters' attack is increased to +65%. 9 HP unwaited infantry are placed on every owned, empty city.
Airborne Assault -- Copters' attack is increased to +65%. 9 HP unwaited mechs are placed on every owned, empty city.
Units gain +1 vision in Fog of War, have hidden HP, and counterattacks do 1.5x more damage. Luck is reduced to -9% to +9%.
Enhanced Vision -- All units gain +1 vision, and can see into forests and reefs.
Counter Break -- All units gain +1 vision, and can see into forests and reefs. A unit being attacked will attack first (even if it would be destroyed by the attack).
No day-to-day abilities.
Sideslip -- All units gain +1 movement.
Sidewinder -- All units gain +2 movement.
Luck on attacks is -9% to +24%.
Brute Force -- Luck range is changed to -19% to +49%.
Barbaric Blow -- Luck range is changed to -39% to +89%.
Units gain +10% attack.
Black Wave -- All units gain +1 HP, and all enemy units lose -1 HP (to a minimum of 0.1 HP).
Black Storm -- All units gain +2 HP, and all enemy units lose -2 HP (to a minimum of 0.1 HP).
Luck on attacks is -14% to +29%.
Overclock -- Luck range is changed to -24% to +54%.
System Crash -- Luck range is changed to -44% to +94%.
Units (even air units) gain +40% attack while on urban terrain. HQs, bases, airports, ports, cities, labs, and comtowers count as urban terrain.
Urban Blight -- All enemy units lose -3 HP on urban terrain. Urban bonus is increased to +80%.
High Society -- Urban bonus is increased to +130%, and attack for all units is increased by +3% for each of your owned urban terrain.
Units (even air units) gain +10% attack power on roads.
Forced March -- All units gain +1 movement, and the road bonus is increased to +20%.
Trail of Woe -- All units gain +2 movement, and the road bonus is increased to +30%.
Units gain +10% attack for every terrain star (note: air units are unaffected by terrain).
Terrain Tactics -- Movement cost for all terrain is reduced to 1, except in Snow.
Prime Tactics -- Terrain stars are doubled (attack and defense). Movement cost over all terrain is reduced to 1, except in Snow.
Movement cost over all terrain is reduced to 1, except in Snow. Units lose -20% attack and gain +20% defense.
Meteor Strike -- A 2-range missile deals 4 HP damage. The missile targets an enemy unit located at the greatest accumulation of unit value.
Meteor Strike II -- A 2-range missile deals 8 HP damage. The missile targets an enemy unit located at the greatest accumulation of unit value.
Von Bolt
Units gain +10% attack and +10% defense.
Ex Machina -- A 2-range missile deals 3 HP damage and prevents all affected units from acting next turn. The missile targets the opponents' greatest accumulation of unit value.