AWBW Live League Information
What is the Live League?
How do I join?
What are the available game modes?
What do each of the Options do?
How are games started?
What are the penalties for dodging a game?
What happens if my opponent never accepts a match?
What happens if my opponent never readies for our game?
How does the queue choose my opponents?
How are the settings selected for each game?
What is the Live League? [Back to Top]
The Live League is the automated system of creating Rated live games while the Live Queue is the automated system of creating Unrated live games.

Both systems are open to all players and provide the automated creation of fast-paced games on AWBW from a wide-range of maps.
How do I join? [Back to Top]
To join the Live League, navigate to the Live League, select the game modes, and join the queue!

You can also select any of the three available game modes. You will only receive games for the modes you have selected.
What are the available game modes? [Back to Top]
There are currently three available game modes to choose from:

1) Standard: Games played with fog of war turned off and normal funding (1000 per property). These games are the classic way that AWBW is typically played.

2) Fog of War: Games played with fog of war turned ON. These games are marked by more uncertainty and opportunities for surprise tactics.

3) High Funds: Games played with funding set to 2000+ per property. These games feature increased usage of high tech units and more frequent CO power usage.
What do each of the Options do? [Back to Top]
By default, anybody can choose whether or not to queue for a rated match.

1) "Unrated Match": If-enabled, then the outcome of the match will not adjust either player's ELO.

The remaining options are available for players with over 10 games in the Live League or Live Queue to use to tailor their games.

2) "Limit to +/- 100 MMR": If-enabled, the maximum allowed gap between your rating and your opponent's rating is 100.

3) "Allow B & New Maps": If-enabled (for all players), then any Live Play Map that is rank S, A, B or New may be randomly used.
How are games started? [Back to Top]
All games will be automatically created for you. The queue scans for available opponents every 5 seconds.

Once you and your opponent accept the match then the game is created and it will automatically start once the timer runs out regardless of if all players have readied.

If all players have readied then the game will start immediately and will not wait for the timer to expire.
What are the penalties for dodging a game? [Back to Top]
For rated games, if you fail to accept a match or leave the queue after seeing the map you will receive a dodge penalty and acquiring multiple dodge penalties will result in a loss of 15 Live ELO as well as deprioritization in the matchmaking algorithm.

For unrated games, if you fail to accept a match or leave the queue you will be deprioritized in the matchmaking algorithm.

Dodge Penalties will expire over time and will expire faster if you play in the Live League without acquring new penalties.

Individuals that repeatedly dodge matches or boot from a game may receive a more stringent penalty at the Site Administrator's discretion.
What happens if my opponent never accepts a match? [Back to Top]
If you accept the match and your opponent doesn't then the game will not be created and you'll wait for the next available opponent.

If neither you nor your opponent accept the match then both of you will be removed from the queue.
What happens if my opponent never readies for our game? [Back to Top]
If both you and your opponent have accepted the match; then if neither player readies the game will automatically start when the timer runs out.
How does the queue choose my opponents? [Back to Top]
By default, the queue looks for players with a similar rating as you that are also in the queue and creates a match between the two of you.

As you wait in the queue, the maximum allowed gap between your rating and your opponent's rating increases to a maximum of 300 for rated matches or unlimited for unrated matches.
How are the settings selected for each game? [Back to Top]
All games are 1v1, and use the following settings:
- Tags: OFF
- Weather: Clear
- CO Powers: ON
- Timer: 5 minutes initial + 2 minutes per turn
- Turn Time Limit: 7 days

The CO tier for each game is randomly selected, and follows the default tier lists for each game mode. CO tiers and unit bans may be manually modified on a per-map basis by the Map Committee, in addition.

Advance Wars is (c) 1990-2001 Nintendo and (c) 2001 Intelligent Systems. All images are copyright their respective owners.