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AWBW Changelog
Revision Description Date
168 Fixed a bug where the wrong CO was shown on the CO selection window. Thanks to x123456789 for the report. 2018-08-27
167 Updated all Follow buttons so that they no longer reload the page when clicked. Thanks to Matsuzen for supplying the code. 2018-08-27
166 Updated the links on the User Profile page, as well as slightly cleaned up the player information block. 2018-08-25
165 Completely overhauled the info boxes used for game lists, in order to make them more aesthetically pleasing and functionally useful. 2018-08-25
164 Added functionality for following games. You can use the Your Following page to track updates to all games you are following. A list of the Most Popular games is also available. 2018-08-25
163 Added functionality for adding users to your Friends list. 2018-08-25
162 Updated CO chart with icons for CO powers instead of text. Thanks to Jay Embee for the suggestion. 2018-08-23
161 Fixed a bug where banned units were also mistakenly set as lab units in some cases when creating games. Thanks to steve for the report. 2018-08-19
160 Fixed a bug where creating games with Funds Per Turn = 0 did not work. Thanks to andy_kuma for the report. 2018-08-19
159 Fixed a bug where broken pipe seams were not displayed correctly in the unit info box. Thanks to andy_kuma for the report. 2018-08-19
158 Fixed the min and max map size options on the Search Maps page. Thanks to Xmo5 and headphone for the reports. 2018-08-02
157 Added a unit limit option. The default is 50 (applies to all future League, tournament, and Z-Games), and it can be turned off. After hitting the limit, no further units can be built (or created with Sensei S/COP). 2018-08-01
156 Added help icons to the Create Game page, replacing the help section. Thanks again to Matsuzen for the code. 2018-07-31
155 Added help icons to several fields on the User Info page. Thanks to Matsuzen for the code. 2018-07-31
154 Updated interface for viewing tournaments slightly. Biggest difference is the ability to view tournament maps and CO bans prior to the start of the tournament. 2018-07-28
153 Fixed a bug where moving a pre-deployed infantry off a pipe seam reduced the seam HP to 20. It's also no longer possible for infantry to capture pipe seams. Thanks to andy_kuma for the report. 2018-07-27
152 Fixed a bug where joining units built by Hachi, Colin, or Kanbei resulted in incorrect funding being given. Thanks to andy_kuma for the report. 2018-07-27
151 Added client-side input validations to the register page. Thanks to Matsuzen for supplying the code. 2018-07-27
150 Notify user if no recipients are selected when sending an in-game message. Thanks to ichbinsehselber for the suggestion. 2018-07-21
149 Fixed a bug where it was possible to overwrite a map with active games on it. Thanks to friendlyold for the report. 2018-07-18
148 Fixed a bug where replays for games with Sonja were visible when Sonja was tagged out. Thanks to Raspberry for the report. 2018-07-17
147 Fixed a bug where loading transports was not possible using Set Path. Thanks to Muvio for the report. 2018-07-17
146 Fixed a bug with saving settings and updating teams on the new Create Game page. Thanks to ichbinsehselber and Xmo5 for the reports. 2018-07-17
145 The Create Game page has been completely reworked. Improvements include:
- Pre-made user settings can now be easily loaded, allowing map creators to set preferred or recommended settings. This also allows users to create standard settings that can be used for any map.
- CO's are now grouped by tier according to the game setting, and bans can be automatically set.
144 Updated the options on the Waiting section of the Your Games page. Notable improvements include:
- Added a Change Position button, which allows you to change your starting position on the map.
- The country logo is now clickable, and allows you to change the aesthetic appearance of your army.
- Invite Players is now an option for Z-Games.
- It's no longer possible to delete your games once they've started.
143 Fixed an issue where boot did not reset after ending vacation for games with no AET limit set. Thanks to Jay Embee for the report. 2018-07-07
142 Fixed a sanitization issue when joining games. Thanks to friendlyold for the report. 2018-07-07
141 Updated League profile pages to always show overall rating. Added a game type to the game name for League games. Thanks to ichbinsehselber and FANG for the suggestions. 2018-07-07
140 Fog of War and High Funds settings have been added to the Global League. 2018-07-05
139 CO power cost now increases properly by +1800/star per use instead of by +20% per use. 2018-06-30
138 Fixed an issue with counterattack funds displayed on the Damage Calculator page. Thanks to Sami-YingXiangLi and Rush_FTK for the report. 2018-06-29
137 Fixed a bug where Hachi could build from cities on COP. It is now correctly restricted to SCOP only. Thanks to friendlyold for the report. 2018-06-28
136 Fixed a bug where AET was causing boot after any two times in a game instead of two consecutive times. Thanks to Snack for the report. 2018-06-25
135 Added a selector to Current and Completed Games lists for All, Standard, Fog, and High Funds game types. 2018-06-24
134 Fixed an issue where saving preferences did not save Lab or Banned Units properly. 2018-06-16
133 Fixed a bug where player CO image was not displayed properly when joining games with CO Powers off. Thanks to SA3DX for the report. 2018-06-14
132 Player's official ratings can no longer drop below 700. For players currently at <700, your rating will be automatically corrected up after the next win or loss (but not draw). 2018-06-11
131 Added a new page for Global League settings, showing the CO ban lists for each map. This is now linked on the Global League page as well. 2018-06-11
130 Fixed a bug where player stats did not become visible for completed fog of war games. 2018-06-10
129 Default calculator to shoals instead of roads if no terrain is picked, eliminating CO influence from values. Thanks to the-deadly-shadow for the suggestion. 2018-06-09
128 Acid Rain and White Nova, the 15th and 16th countries, have been added to AWBW.
Credit to Jay Embee for much of the design and sprite work.
127 Boot and AET script have been updated to run HOURLY instead of daily. The game header has been updated to reflect the actual script run time. After ending vacation, AET is set to a minimum of 2 days. 2018-06-08
126 Fixed a bug with the vacation function. Vacation can now not be set until 3 weeks after it was last initiated. 2018-06-08
125 Movement costs for forests in snow have been fixed. Cost for tread units is now 2 (was 3), cost for wheeled units is now 3 (was 4). 2018-06-04
124 Tags can no longer be turned on for games where CO powers are turned off. 2018-06-04
123 Game.php has been completely overhauled. Click here for details. 2018-06-03
122 Maps with <2 players can no longer be published, uploaded, or played on. 2018-05-27
121 The Users link in the menu now displays the online players, in addition to being able to search usernames. Thanks to the-deadly-shadow for the suggestion. 2018-05-14
120 Users will now be banned from tournaments on their 3rd offense for being booted from tournament games, instead of their first. 2018-04-29
119 A patch has been made to help improve site stability and prevent server outages. 2018-04-24
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Advance Wars is (c) 1990-2001 Nintendo and (c) 2001 Intelligent Systems. All images are copyright their respective owners.