Players: | 16 |
Format: | Single Elimination |
Entry Requirements: |
Min. Rating: | None |
Min. Games: | 5 |
Game Settings: |
Weather: | Clear |
Funds per Turn: | 1000 |
Starting Funds: | 0 |
Powers: | Off |
Fog: | Off |
Tags: | Off |
Unit Limit: | 50 |
Game Timer: | 5d + 18h/turn |
Max Turn Time: | 3d |
Description: |
The theme of this tournament is no CO powers. Note that all games will be played with a short turn timer (5d + 18h/turn).
Brackets will be split into groups of 16, with the top 25% of players seeded by rating. Each bracket winner will advance to a separate championship round.
Signups will be open for a minimum of 48 hours, with a max of 80 players accepted.
Note: This tournament is aimed at fast play. The Pause Timer button does not work, and the vacation function does not prevent boot if your timer runs out. Manage your time carefully. |